Turkey boasts the world’s largest natural stone reserves, with an impressive selection of over 80 stone types and 650 unique colors and patterns to choose from. Turkish marble is especially renowned for its exceptional quality, with popular varieties including Anadolu Beige, Anadolu White, Anadolu Black, Anadolu Travertine, Elazığ Cherry, Milas Lilac, and Marmara Marble. These stones are highly sought after by designers and architects worldwide, who use them in a diverse range of applications, including flooring, countertops, building exteriors, and landscaping.

In addition to marble and travertine, Turkey also exports other natural stones such as basalt, dolomite, limestone, and granite, either as raw blocks or as processed products such as tiles and mosaics. This vast range of natural stone reserves and products has solidified Turkey’s position as a leading global source for natural stone.

Marmara White

BEU Turkish Marble Marmara Beyaz

Elazığ Cherry

BEU Turkish Marble Elazig Cherry

Anatolia Beige

BEU Turkish Marble Anatolia Bej

Afyon White

BEU Turkish Marble Afyon White

Contact Us for your projects and let us find together the best solution to make your customers happy.

BEU Industry Marble Mapping
BEU Industry Mapping Grey
BEU Industry Marble Living Room

From the Quarry to the finish Tiles

Marble is a natural stone that is highly valued for its durability and beauty. The process of transforming raw marble from the quarry into finished tiles is a complex and intricate one that involves several stages.

1. The first step in marble processing is quarrying, which involves extracting the raw stone from the mountain. Once the marble is extracted, it is transported to a processing plant where it is cut into slabs using advanced machinery. These slabs are then polished to achieve a smooth and shiny finish.

2. After polishing, the marble is cut into tiles of various sizes using specialized saws. The tiles are then carefully inspected for any imperfections and sorted according to color and quality. Finally, the tiles are packaged and shipped to customers around the world.

3. Marble processing requires specialized equipment and skilled workers to ensure that the finished product meets the highest standards of quality and durability. At every stage of the process, strict quality control measures are in place to ensure that only the finest marble tiles are produced.

4. In conclusion, the process of transforming raw marble from the quarry into finished tiles is a labor-intensive one that involves several stages of processing and quality control. Despite the complexity of the process, the result is a beautiful and durable natural stone that is highly valued by architects, designers, and homeowners alike.

BEU Turkish Marble Ball
BEU Turkish Marble Head Picture
BEU Turkish Marble Marketing Animation

Contact Us for marble supply.